Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Fontys University of Applied Sciences is in the Top 10 Countries to Study Abroad
- Bacharel em Engenharia Matemática/Ciência de Dados
- Bacharel em Engenharia de Design Industrial
- Bacharel em Gestão de Marketing - Conceitos de Negócios Digitais
- Bacharel em Música e Artes Cênicas
- Bacharel em TIC: Software - Tecnologia - Negócios - Media Design - Infraestrutura
- Bacharel em engenharia automotiva
- Bacharelado em Dança | Artes de Dança em Contexto
- Bachelor Circus and Performance Art
- Bachelor in Communication - International Communication Management
- Bachelor in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor in Industrial Engineering & Management
- Bachelor in Information Technology- Software Engineering and Business Informatics
- Bachelor in International Business
- Bachelor in International Finance & Control
- Bachelor in Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor in Logistics Management
- Bachelor in Marketing Management
- Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor in Mechatronics
- Bachelor in Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle